Blogging in 2007

December 23, 2020

In 2007, I worked in one of those Coop Pronto shops in Thun near the train station. The special thing about those "Pronto" shops (which are normally at gas stations) is that they are all managed separatly, but still have the "Coop" branding.

(image from Coop Pronto Thun Bahnhof)

I already liked writing back then, and so I started a blog about all weird and funny things happening in the shop - but I didn't want to take the risk of getting into any trouble, so I started blogging anonymously. It was a little secret, and helped me through some shifts (they just extended opening times back then), thinking about my next blog post.

Eventually, my blog made it into a swiss-wide evening newspaper:

I got some more visitors, but nothing happend, until some months later, a colleague took me aside:

Colleague: "Hey, have you seen that pronto blog?"

Me (gulp!): "No, what's it about?"

Colleague: "It was in the newspaper one time. I read through it this morning, someone is posting articles about working in a Coop pronto shop."

Me: "Oh, ok?"

Colleague: "Yeah, and I really think it could be our shop. Some descriptions just match our shop perfectly... I think one of our colleagues could be posting those stories."

Me: "Ok, I'll check it out in the evening!"

I started to get scared and feared that I would be exposed, and started to imagine consequences like getting fired or facing a lawsuit. So when I got back in the evening I deleted everything - all articles, and also the domain wasn't available after. I told my colleague that the blog was no longer available, and started to feel better.

You can read through the old articles here:

PDF All blogposts - 26 articles (20 pages)